Xiaomi 15 Ultra will get a global launch, exec confirms

Xiaomi's 14 Ultra was unveiled in China last February, only a few short days before making its global debut at MWC in Barcelona. If you've been wondering whether its successor, the Xiaomi 15 Ultra, will also be officially available globally, the answer is yes and it comes straight from Lu Weibing, Xiaomi Group Partner and President. He unveiled the news in a video Q&A with Chinese fans of the brand. Lu also revealed that the 15 Ultra will be made official after the Chinese New Year, which in 2025 falls on January 29. Note that until February 4 there is a public holiday in China, so no...
PROČITAJ VIŠE... https://www.gsmarena.com/xiaomi_15_ultra_will_get_a_global_launch_exec_confirms-news-66187.php
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