13 Easy Vegan Millet Recipes, from Muffins to Meatloaf

With a mild, sweet, corn-like flavor and a nutrient-dense profile, millet is a hot ingredient among folks interested in healthy home cooking. It’s also naturally gluten-free! Millet cooks quickly and is an excellent alternative to rice in everything from sushi to stews and even vegan meatloaf. You can use the uncooked grains to add a crunchy texture to salads and sweet dishes or grind them into flour using your high-speed blender. Try one of these vegan millet recipes today!


The gluten factor: While naturally gluten-free, millet, like oats, is sometimes processed in facilities that produce wheat products, so if you’re especially gluten-sensitive, be sure to look for certified gluten-free millet.

Which type of millet? Millets are a family of seed-producing grasses. A round, yellow-hulled variety called proso millet is the kind you’re most likely to find in stores in the U.S.—it’s usually just labeled “millet.”

For more information, check out Mighty Millet: How to Cook the Super-Sustainable Whole Grain (and 8 Reasons You Should).

The post 13 Easy Vegan Millet Recipes, from Muffins to Meatloaf appeared first on Forks Over Knives.

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