[INTERVIEW] Mha Iri Talks Versatility, Inspiration, Trajectory And Techno

We had the pleasure of speaking with Scottish DJ and rising Techno star Mha Iri. We got to chat about her inspiration, Drumcode, the trajectory of the DJing world through social media, and more. The producer also is celebrating the release of her newest EP Neon StormonDrumcode, from her series of four EPs that represent the four elements. Without further ado, let’s chat with Mha Iri!

EDMTunes Talks With Mha Iri

EDMTunes: You’ve just released your latest Drumcode EP ‘Neon Storm’. Can you share the inspiration behind the tracks in your new release and how do they fit into the Drumcode style? This marks yet another outstanding release on Drumcode for you, how is your relationship with the label?

[INTERVIEW] Mha Iri Talks Versatility, Inspiration, Trajectory And Techno

Mha Iri: I wanted to create something that was fresh and futuristic but still felt like me, so I experimented with my sound design and focused on melodies that were haunting yet emotive. Drumcode has always been known for cutting edge sounds so this felt like a great fit.

EDMTunes: What’s a typical day in the studio like for you? Any rituals or routines you follow?

Mha Iri: I listen to binaural beats for creativity every morning before I start to work on ideas, and a large cup of coffee is an absolute must!

EDMtunes: Your techno is extremely diverse, from slower tempos to harder beats. What inspiration are you bringing with you to 2025?

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Mha Iri: My main goal for 2025 is to continue experimenting and writing what feels right for me rather than putting myself in a box. If I feel like writing a 160 bpm nerve track I’ll go for it, and similarly if I want to write a 140 trance-infused, uplifting track, then I will. I feel like when I don’t limit myself I am the most inspired.


EDMTunes: What was your favorite track of 2024?

[INTERVIEW] Mha Iri Talks Versatility, Inspiration, Trajectory And Techno

Mha Iri: T-78, Roberto Molinaro – Bombacid. What an absolute tune.

EDMTunes: How does your background influence your sound? Any other Scottish artists you’d recommend to our audience? 

[INTERVIEW] Mha Iri Talks Versatility, Inspiration, Trajectory And Techno

Mha Iri: I grew up listening to a diverse range of electronic music so that definitely has influenced me in a positive way and is a big part of the reason why I got into DJing and producing. I would recommend Gary Beck and Will Atkinson.

EDMTunes: How do you see the techno scene evolving, and where do you see yourself within it?

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Mha Iri: Honestly, I really don’t know. A lot has changed even in the past few years with the rise of social media. When I started DJing having a videographer or creating content was unheard of. So the landscape for me has really evolved in a way I didn’t foresee. I’ll just continue writing music, gigging and be around for the ride to see where it all goes.

EDMTunes: You’ve performed in different cities and countries—what are some of your favorites?

[INTERVIEW] Mha Iri Talks Versatility, Inspiration, Trajectory And Techno

Mha Iri: Italy, Spain and Portugal all have incredible energy every time. I think it’s the Latin passion and I’m all for it. However, every country’s audience is different and interesting in its own way.

EDMTunes: What’s your dream b2b? 

[INTERVIEW] Mha Iri Talks Versatility, Inspiration, Trajectory And TechnoAria and Mha Iri

Mha Iri: I’m a total control freak so it would have to be my best mate in Australia Aria who knows me completely and accepts me for the freak that I am. We’ve went back-to-back a number of times and it’s just a vibe. She’s the yin to my yang.

Up Next

2025 is looking up for the artist. Iri will tour between Europe and North America to showcase her explosive yet captivating beats. She will visit multiple cities including London, Lisbon, San Francisco, Washington DC, Toronto, and Perpignan.

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