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Rüfüs Du Sol izdaje novi singl “Pressure” i najavljuje novi album Inhale/Exhale
Inhale/Exhale dolazi tri godine nakon albuma “Surrender”, Rüfüsa Du Sola iz 2021. koji je osvojio na...
FOTO Laibach u Zagrebu: “Opus Dei” u novijem izdanju
Nakon ljetnog nastupa u Malom rimskom kazalištu u Puli, Laibach su se sinoć vratili u Zagreb, u klub...
Coldplay – Moon Music recenzija: Pokušaj prizemljenja svemira
Gledati devoluciju koju je Coldplay prošao od zlatnih momaka pop rocka ranih nultih do Maroon5-ovske...
Važan razgovor o gubitku sluha
Nitko to ne želi priznati, ali u vremenu kada su glasni koncerti i glazba dostupni bilo gdje i bilo ...
Treba li Porin u mirovinu? II
Tekst je ažurirana objava Treba li Porin u mirovinu? originalno objavljenog 2. listopada, a promjene...
Natali Dizdar na krilima novog albuma “Zadnji dio ljeta” stiže u Boogaloo
Natali Dizdar stiže u Boogaloo na krilima novog albuma, “Zadnji dan ljeta”. Koncert će s...
Foo Fighters otkazali prvi koncert nakon Grohlovog priznanja
Foo Fighters neko vrijeme neće nastupati zbog skandala u kojem se našao Dave Grohl početkom rujna. B...
Marko Nastić: 'Nekad se na žurke išlo samo zbog muzike, a ne zbog fotki za Instagram'
Razgovaramo sa srpskim DJ-em i producentom koji otvara novu sezonu u šibenskom TuneluContinue readin...
Kensington Lima objavili album “The Beat That Saved Our Lives”, prvi u tri godine
Kensington Lima objavili su novi album, “The Beat That Saved Our Lives”. Album je izašao tri godine ...
Rap suradnja Tibor ft. Magellano “Novi Noćnoptični” singl je tjedna
Ovog tjedna Ispod pulta gdje se bira između šest singlova iz regije, najviše je glasova dobila pjesm...
Kofein – veseli 'narkotik' za dobro jutro
Razbudite se uz novi nastavak bloga Ratka MartinovićaContinue reading......
Fotogalerija 28.09.2024. Umek, Christian Craken, Mihai Popoviciu / Boogaloo (Zagreb)
Line up: Christian Craken, Umek, Mihai Popoviciu, DJ Jock, Elena Mikac, Una Andrea, Shipe | Autor fo...
Najiščekivaniji metal koncerti u Hrvatskoj i regiji: Cannibal Corpse, Dream Theater, Anthrax, P…
U godini iza nas svjedočili smo nekoliko desetaka metal koncerata u Hrvatskoj i regiji, a sve što na...
Pink Floyd prodao svoj katalog za 400 milijuna dolara
Pink Floyd prodao je svoj katalog. Katalog je sada u vlasništvu Sony Musica, a osim kataloga, Sony t...
Silente objavili treći singl “Voli me dok đavo spava” s novog albuma
Silente su objavili novi singl, “Voli me dok đavo spava”. Njihova posljednja pjesma još ...
Nemeček u legendarnom SKUC Pauk promovira vinilno izdanje albuma “Prokletije II”
Sajsi MC predstavlja novi studijski album “Mater”
Unforgiven 4 u Tvornici kulture izvode najveće hitove Metallice
Nika Turković predstavlja singl „Tvoja“
Halloween Lollipop special donosi spoj vrhunske glazbe i plesa pod maskama
Objavljen je novi album sastava Kensington Lima – ‘The Beat That Saved Our Lives’
Savršeni marginalci Tvornicu kulture zalijevaju najvećim punk hitovima
Monster Magnet u Zagrebu!
Perunfest – slavenska mitologija kao dio usmene predaje
Taking Back the Groove – Važan dokumentarac o borbi disco legende za svoju diskografiju
Zadruga ove jeseni svira u zagrebačkom Vintage-u
Goran Bare Majke slave 40 godina stvaranja u Boogaloou
Ove nedjelje stoner doom Crnilo u zagrebačkom klubu Attack
Josipa Lisac nakon dvije godine ponovo u Lisinskom
Jonathan se vraćaju u Sax
Damir Imamović gotovo rasprodao Malu dvoranu Lisinskog
Sven Väth sredinom studenog nastupa u Zagrebu
U Zagreb po treći puta dolaze Siberian Meat Grinder
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SHADY KNIGHT - Trejler i datum izlaska
Akrobacije i brzi pokreti mačem Pogledajte trejler o datumu izlaska za Shady Knight, akcionu igru ...
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth predvodi Golden Joystick Awards sa pet nominacija, slijede ga Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II i Astro Bot
Golden Joystick nagrade za 2024. godinu održat će se 21. studenog 2024., a glasanje za većinu katego...
Saber Interactive razvija ambiciozni akcijski RPG smješten u univerzum Avatar: The Last Airbendera
Saber Interactive i Paramount Game Studios, u bliskoj suradnji s Avatar Studios, razvijaju AAA akcij...
Hrvatski developeri na svjetskoj sceni: Inspirativne priče iz gaming industrije
Na konferenciji Blender: Film & Games, održan je panel pod nazivom Svjetski uspjesi hrvatskih vi...
Nova igra autora Dead Cellsa, Windblown, krajem ovog mjeseca stiže na Steam Early Access
Nova igra autora Dead Cellsa, Windblown, krajem ovog mjeseca stiže na Steam Early Access. Ova roguel...
Kada Joker: Folie à Deux stiže na streaming servis?
Ima li post-credits scenu? Kako gledati prvi dio? Na sva ova pitanja danas odgovaramo! Joker (2019)...
Tencent je glavni kandidat za kupovinu Ubisofta
Sudeći prema informacijama kojima raspolaže ugledni poslovni portal Bloomberg, Ubisoft bi uskoro doi...
Nakon ljetne stanke, vratio se Recap Podcast sa GoodGame ekipom!
Nakon ljetne stanke, vratio se Recap Podcast sa GoodGame ekipom. U novom Recap podcastu, Gogi i ekip...
Silent Hill 2 izlazi početkom idućeg tjedna, dobili smo atmosferični launch trailer
Nakon godina i godina čekanja, pa zatim i nekoliko godina razvoja, Silent Hill 2 remake je konačno p...
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – pomoć joj pružio: Hideo Kojima
Je li PC verzija God of War Ragnaroka vrijedna Valhalle ili osuđena na Helheim?
Shattered Space DLC malen je i preskup korak prema boljoj budućnosti Starfielda
Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag remake navodno je trebao biti spreman za 2025.
Objavljene su nominacije za Golden Joystick Awards 2024, najstariju dodjelu nagrada za igre
Halo: Infinite postaje pucačina iz trećeg lica, iz nekog razloga
Snimanje videa iz igara na Steamu će uskoro dobiti nove opcije
Kineska firma Tencent razmatra preuzimanje Ubisofta
EA Sports FC 25
Silent Hill 2 nije podbacio, većina recenzija hvali remake
Indie horor Tower of Madness stiže na Steam krajem mjeseca
Rage – ona igra koju su igrali u Breaking Badu
Nova animirana serija Dragon Ball uskoro stiže na Netflix
Until Dawn (2024)
Originalni Horizon Zero Dawn uklonjen je iz prodaje na Epic Games Store
U Konamiju još nisu odlučili što je sljedeće za Metal Gear serijal nakon MGS Delta
Saber Interactive radi AAA igru po uzoru na Avatar: The Last Airbender
Simsi će se moći ljubiti s duhovima u ekspanziji Life Death
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Off-Planet Dreams is a delightfully tricky Playdate platformer with invisible puzzles
Starlink’s direct-to-cell satellite service approved for areas hit by Hurricane Helene
Sony MDR-M1 Studio Headphones review
Apple’s revamped Mac mini and iPad mini could be here as soon as November 1
Shrunken Mac Minis and a new iPad Mini might come in November
Your iPhone 16 may get its first Apple Intelligence features later this month
McLaren’s $2.6M W1 Supercar Wouldn’t Seem Out of Place in Formula 1
The much simpler way to keep track of everything
Tecno Spark 30 Pro Transformers Edition hands-on review
Bose Reinvented Itself Just in Time. Now Comes the Tricky Part
‘Groups’ Underpin Modern Math. Here’s How They Work
Honor Magic V3 and V2 approximate Indian launch date and pricing revealed
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Vegan Pastitsio with Lentils (Greek Lasagna)
Celebrity Trainer Kollins Ezekh Talks Boxing, Veganism, and the Power of Nutrition
After Years of Junk-Food Veganism, I Lost 70+ Pounds By Going WFPB
Harissa Roasted Carrot Salad with Couscous
9 Whole Wheat Orzo Pasta Recipes for Lunch or Dinner
26 Nutrient-Dense, High-Carb Recipes for Healthy Weight Loss
Banana Pancake Casserole with Chocolate Chips
8-Ingredient Leek and Mushroom Soup
Smoky Vegan Split Pea Soup
Kasha Pot with Potatoes, Cabbage, and Golden Beets
Bone Health and More: 7 Reasons Prunes Deserve a Dedicated Place in Your Pantry
22 Healthy Lunch Box Recipes: Kid-Approved Meals, Snacks, and Treats
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Sterilizacija staklenki i pasterizacija zimnice - sigurna priprema džema, ajvara, kiselog povrća
Kvaliteta zimnica ne ovisi samo o dobrom receptu za pripremu ajvara, džemova ili kiselih krastavaca, već i o samoj pripremi. U tom je procesu ključno dobro očistiti staklenke u kojim...
Merkur Superheroj: Zato što svako dijete zaslužuje svojeg superheroja
Kako bi igra bila zabavnija, odrastanje bezbrižnije, a brige svedene na minimum, svako dijete zaslužuje svojeg superheroja koji će biti uz njega na svakom koraku. Vodeći se upravo ci...
Kako prepoznati hormonsku neravnotežu? Pripazite na ovih 7 znakova
Hormoni su odgovorni za upravljanje mnogobrojnim procesima u tijelu te igraju važnu ulogu u regulaciji metabolizma, rasta, razine šećera u krvi, krvnog tlaka, spolne funkcije, ali i ...
Otežano pražnjenje crijeva: Što dovodi do problema i kako ubrzati probavu?
Nažalost, opstipacija ili zatvor kao vrlo česta pojava još uvijek predstavljaju problem o kojem se priča tiho. Jeste li se i vi našli u situaciji da netko ispred vas u ljekarni traži nešto za stolicu i naglo stiša ton? Stanimo na kraj tome i budimo otvoreni u komuniciranju problema što će dovesti lakšem rješavanju! Procjenjuje...
Salata s kozicama
Lagan obrok, idealan ako izbjegavate ugljikohidrate....
Liječnik o bolestima štitnjače: Pazite na ove simptome!
Procjenjuje se da poremećaji funkcije štitnjače pogađaju oko 5 % žena i 0,5 % muškaraca. U Hrvatskoj se ne primjećuju bitne razlike u odnosu na većinu zemalja EU. U svijetu mogu postojati razlike ovisno o tome je li područje siromašno ili bogato jodom, rekao nam je Božidar Perić, dr......
Koliko često treba mijenjati pidžamu? Odgovor bi vas mogao iznenaditi
Svi znamo da donje rublje i čarape treba promijeniti nakon jednog nošenja, a treba li to isto napraviti i s pidžamom? Pidžamu (najčešće) ne nosimo cijeli dan i u većini slučajeva je oblačimo nakon tuširanja kada smo najčišći pa se čini prečestim mijenjati je svakodnevno......
5 ideja za obiteljski ručak koji će koštati samo 5 €
Planiranje obroka nikada nije bilo teže - vjerojatno ćete se složiti ako iz dana u dan tražite ideje za ručak koji će u isto vrijeme biti ukusan, hranjiv i financijski pristupačan. Taj zadatak postaje još složeniji ako se pitate što kuhati za ručak ne samo za sebe, nego za cijelu obitelj......
Urinarne infekcije kod odraslih i djece: Kako ih spriječiti, ali i kako prepoznati simptome?
Infekcije mokraćnog sustava među najčešćim su zdravstvenim problemima, a javljaju se kada bakterije uđu u mokraćni sustav, koji obuhvaća bubrege, mokraćovode, mokraćni mjehur i mokraćnu cijev. Većina tih infekcija odnosi se na donji dio mokraćnog sustava, tj......
Dijete vam ima uši? Saznajte kako riješiti problem!
Uši su problem koji se javlja bez obzira na higijenu i uvjete života. Na prisutnost u kosu ukazuju svrbež, iritacija i crvenilo vlasišta, kao posljedice bezbolnih uboda ušiju koje se hrane isključivo krvlju domaćina. Uporno češkanje može dovesti i do ogrebotina i rana na vlasištu, pa je njihovo uklanjanje vrlo važno......
Je li opasno tuširati se s kontaktnim lećama na očima?
Pitanje je li opasno tuširati se s kontaktnim lećama u zadnje je vrijeme ponovno aktualno zbog iskustva lifestyle influencerice Rachel Prochnow, koja je na Instagramu podijelila da je prošle godine izgubila vid na jedno oko zbog amebnog keratitisa, a glavni je krivac upravo tuširanje s kontaktnim lećama......
Mahune varivo, na salatu, abšmalcane... 10 jednostavnih recepata za jela od mahuna
Mahune su ukusno i zdravo povrće koje je u sezoni od srpnja pa sve do jeseni. Sadrži vitamine A, C i K, minerale kalij i magnezij i mnoštvo vlakana kojih većina ljudi ne unosi dovoljno. U nastavku otkrijte neke klasične i neke malo neobičnije recepte s mahunama za sva raspoloženja i uvjerite se da se od ove zdrave namirnice može n...
Čarobni CBD: Poboljšava li doista kvalitetu života?
CBD, ili kanabidiol, posljednjih je godina postao vrlo popularan suplement koji se koristi za promicanje općeg blagostanja. Njegova popularnost raste zbog tvrdnji da može pomoći u ublažavanju simptoma raznih zdravstvenih stanja, uključujući anksioznost, bol, nesanicu i upale......
A što s hiperpigmentacijama nakon ljeta?
Domaća tvrtka Pharmagal je plasirala nove skincare proizvode za uklanjanje tamnih mrlja na koži, a iza njihovih receptura se kriju farmaceuti. Upoznajte proizvode s jedinstvenom kombinacijom sastojaka usmjerenom ka rješavanju problematike hiperpigmentacija......
Smrtonosni susret
Od producenata kritički hvaljenih filmova "Barbarian" i "Late Night with the Devil", "Strange Darli...
Alien: Romulus
Nastavak kultne franšize "Alien" iz produkcije legendarnog Ridleyja Scotta i u režiji talentiranog ...
Napoleon je epski akcijski spektakl koji detaljno prikazuje uspon i pad legendarnog francuskog cara...
Panda u Africi - sink
Hrabrost ne poznaje veličinu! Pandin najbolji prijatelj, zmaj, otet je i odveden u Afriku. Panda...
Terrifier 3
Redatelj Damien Leone vraća se korijenima svoje jedinstvene, zastrašujuće atmosfere u novoj priči k...
Joker: Ludilo u dvoje
Joaquin Phoenix u ulozi Arthura Flecka aka Jokera te famozna Lady Gaga kao Harley Quinn u glamurozn...
Bubimir Bubimir
Bubimir se vratio! Za Oscara nominirani, jedinstveni kreativni vizionar Tim Burton i nominiran za O...
Girl You Know Its True
Nikad ne puštaj
Kinds of Kindness
Transformersi Početak - titl
Ne govori zlo
Grozan ja 4 - sink
Priča završava s nama
Svemu dođe kraj
10 Života - sink
200% Vuk - sink
Trepni dvaput
Banda čupavih repova 2 - sink
Avanture malog Don Quijotea
Genijalna prevara
Transformersi Početak - sink
AI Tokens Lead Crypto Rebound Amid Strong U.S. Economy
Bitcoin may have bottomed at $60,000 earlier this week, and the Fed easing into a strong economy points to more upside, Will Clement said....
U.S. Election Betting: Regulated Presidential Markets Are Live, and Tiny Compared to Polymarket's
With a month to go before Election Day, Kalshi and Interactive Brokers have listed prediction markets on the race for the White House....
HBO Is Joining Search for Bitcoin's Satoshi. Past Attempts Haven’t Turned Out Great.
HBO says it knows who Satoshi is....
The Case for Congressional Focus on Decentralized AI
It’s imperative lawmakers not overlook decentralized AI as they begin to regulate AI, says Cheng Wang, CFO of Overclock Labs, which operates the Akash Network, a decentralized cloud....
Spot Crypto ETFs Prompted Bitwise to Rethink Its Fund Lineup
Bitwise announced the Bitwise Trendwise Bitcoin and Treasuries Rotation Strategy ETF (BITC) on Friday, a fund that combines the Bitwise Bitcoin Strategy Optm Roll ETF (BITC), Bitwise Ethereum Strategy ETF (AETH) and Bitwise Bitcoin and Eth Eq Wgh St…
Coinbase to Delist Unauthorized Stablecoins in EU by December
Tether, which is the largest issuer of stablecoins, has not managed to snag the necessary e-money license in the European Union....
CoinDesk 20 Performance Update: APT Jumps 6.9% as the Index Rallies
Render joined Aptos as a top performer, gaining 6.3%....
U.S. Added Blowout 254K Jobs in September, Unemployment Rate Dips to 4.1%
First Mover Americas: Bitcoin Bounces From $60K
The latest price moves in bitcoin (BTC) and crypto markets in context for Oct. 4, 2024. First Mover is CoinDesk’s daily newsletter that contextualizes the latest actions in the crypto markets....
Attention Bitcoin Bulls, China Stimulus May Have Lost Its Mojo
According to BCA Research, generating large bullish "credit impulses" is now a tough task for China....
Bitcoin ETFs Register Net Outflows for Third Straight Day
Bitcoin and ether outflows from ETFs contribute to this week's weak crypto price action....
Polymarket Bettors Say HBO Documentary Will Name Len Sassaman as Satoshi Nakamoto
But bettors are also confident that this won't be the smoking gun...
Bitcoin, Gold Could Benefit From Rising Geopolitical Tension and U.S. Election: JPMorgan
Geopolitical risk fueled by conflict in the Middle East and the upcoming U.S. election are likely to reinforce the debasement trade, to the benefit of both bitcoin and gold, the report said....
Bitcoin Set for Unusually Volatile Weekend After Friday's Payrolls Data, Volatility Kink Indicates
BTC's implied volatility curve shows a noticeable kink on Oct. 5, signaling expectations for an unusually volatile Saturday....
Bitcoin’s Poor Start to Bullish October Continues, but There May Be Cheer Ahead for Bulls
Most gains come in the latter part of the month....
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Arbitrum Foundation to ‘Go Big’ in Asia With Road to Devcon
Layer 2 blockchain Arbitrum is doubling down on Asia with a “strategic bet” on the region’s growth....
Solana Dev Quits Project He Set Himself on Fire to Pump
Mikol was hospitalized with third-degree burns after setting himself on fire for his meme coin. Now, five months later, he’s done. Here’s why....
7 Freaky Horror Games to Scare Your Pants Off This Spooky Season
Forget atmosphere and vibes: These horrifying video games are designed to pump your heart rate and freak you out....
Dnevni horoskop za 7. listopada 2024.
Dnevni horoskop za 7. listopada, dan kad zvijezde poručuju sljedeće - Ovnovi će dan...
Zašto je dobro jesti gljive?
Počela je sezona gljiva. Oko 200 vrsta se smatra jestivima. Iako su zdrave te pune ...
Najljepše dizajnirani koktel barovi u New Yorku
New York je grad koji nikada ne spava, a njegovi koktel barovi igraju ključnu ulogu u...
Otvorene prijave za 6. Superval
Superval festival je glazbeni festival izvođača školskog uzrasta kojem je cilj omog...
Statički elektricitet - što znate o tome?
Pet torbica na kojima možete zaraditi u 2024.
Mount Everest raste i dalje!
Bold. Burger je nova urbana gastro destinacija u Zagrebu
Franšiza na MAX-u
Nije baš da raste količina LNG-a
Kako se riješiti visceralne masnoće
Tuškanac u gostima stiže i u Centar za kulturu Histrionski dom
Radno vrijeme trgovina i shopping centara za 6. listopada
EU može uvesti carine na kineske električne automobile
Dogodilo se na današnji dan – 6. listopada
Dnevni horoskop za 6. listopada 2024.
Tjedni horoskop od 6. do 12. listopada 2024.
Je li Bigfoot zapravo hibrid s nepoznatom vrstom hominida?
Teretane u kojima slavne osobe obožavaju trenirati
Detour otvara sezonu u Klubu Komedija
Tribute to – Elvis meets ABBA – Grossi The Dreamers
Peter The Test Tube Babies
D’n’B United vol. 2
SOAD tribute Chop Suey i Killswitch Engage tribute Killswitch UK u Zagrebu! Afterparty DJ Barby!
Adam Beyer – Dia de los Muertos
Jimi Tenor u Petom Kupeu
More dva do tri
Edo Maajka i Jazz orkestar HRT-a u MSU u Zagrebu
Paul van Dyk u zagrebačkom Boogaloou
Jazz Point Novi Zagreb: Petar Ćulibrk
Talijanski nu metalci Exilia u Tvornici kulture
Lil Drito u Tvornici kulture
My Buddy Moose
Vesna Pisarović
Humanitarni koncert za Gazu: Sejo Sexon, Brain Holidays, Sara Renar, Marko Bošnjak, Nina Romić
Aram Fefer u Maloj dvorani Lisinski
Cyrille Aimée
Mimi Mercedez
Linkin Park tribute Piknik Park u Zagrebu!
Ekstremno muzički performans SVI PRIČAJU O VREMENU MI NE!
Tribute to Elvis meets ABBA
Homage Collective svira pjesme Curtisa Mayfielda
Lu Jakelić sings Amy
Jazz Point Novi Zagreb: Lela Kaplowitz kvartet
The Black Room
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DJ Diesel Is Fortnite's Newest Playable Character
The Fortnite battlefield is getting a whole lot bigger.DJ Diesel, Shaquille O'Neal’s larger-than-life EDM persona, is looming over the Fortnite universe with a newly released pair of exclusive skins and a set of game-changing accessories.Starting October 4th, players can unlock two distinctive Shaq skins: the reactive DJ Diesel outfit, which...
Elrow to Debut Trippy Hallucinarium Concept In the US
If you thought Elrow’s parties were already a surreal trip, "Hallucinarium" is taking the colorful chaos to a new phase. Set to make its U.S. debut at Chicago’s Radius on November 29th and 30th before wrapping up Miami’s Art Basel week at Factory Town on December 8th, the beloved event organizer's...
EDM.com Fresh Picks: ATRIP, barking continues, Atura More
The electronic music community is constantly evolving with new sounds inspired by the scene of yesteryear. EDM.com's weekly Fresh Picks series discovers new music and unearths influential tracks that help define the underground dance scene.You can find the below tracks on EDM.com's Fresh Picks Playlist. Follow to stay up-to-date and...
Skrillex, ILLENIUM, Subtronics and More Confirmed for First-Ever EDC Thailand Festival
EDC Thailand is shaping up to be one of the most exciting festival debuts of 2025, and the newly revealed lineup is made to meet the moment. With global powerhouses like Skrillex, ILLENIUM, FISHER, Tiësto and The Chainsmokers taking the decks, Insomniac's flagship festival brand is bringing its unmatched production to the...
Zedd Is Releasing All Telos Album Acapellas and Instrumentals, Welcoming Remixes
After a nine-year gap between albums, Zedd is ensuring that fans don't have to wait long at all for new versions of the music from Telos, his third LP.The multi-Platinum dance music artist has announced that the acapella and instrumental versions of each Telos track will release in the weeks ahead, effectively making...
CRSSD Fall 2024: A Weekend of Unmatched Performances
CRSSD Fest returned to San Diego’s Waterfront Park for its Fall 2024 edition, once again proving why it’s a staple for house and techno fans. Despite being packed, as most CRSSD events are, the festival’s attention to detail and flawless production h…
The US Debut of Elrow’s New ‘Hallucinarium’ Concept
Prepare to ascend into a higher state of consciousness as elrow brings its latest hyper-sensory concept Hallucinarium to the US. Created in collaboration with visionary artists Alex & Allyson Grey, the themed immersive experience first transcende…
Amelie Lens Teases New Single – ‘Falling for You’
Amelie Lens just announced the release of her brand new single ‘Falling For You’, out on October 11. It bears all the unmistakable hallmarks of the sonic production styles Lens is so respected for. ‘Falling For You’ is also coupled with a breat…
Spotify’s Global Head Of Music Is Leaving
Spotify sees another major re-shuffle! Spotify‘s Global Head of Music, Jeremy Erlich, is departing the music streaming giant. He will be transitioning to an advisory role through February 2025 as reported by Hits. Erlich is likely to commence an entr…
From Pink Floyd’s $400m deal to TikTok’s scrapped Merlin talks… it’s MBW’s Weekly Round-Up
The biggest stories from the past week – all in one place… Source...
Mau P Wins Gold And Platinum Certifications, Honors Late Father
One of the most prominent figures in the Electronic music scene, Mau P, has achieved significant success this year. He recently earned five gold and one platinum certification for his music. He dedicated these achievements to his late father, sharing…
Premiere: Bárbara Boeing Sam Ruffillo ‘Tokyo Love Affair’
Selections: Kampire
Coldplay launch exclusive TikTok ‘MOON MUSiC’ in-app experience
Coldplay become latest artists to launch an interactive in-app experience on TikTok Source...
Maral releases new EP, 'Patience (صبر)', on PTP
Fever AM's new compilation features DJ Doomscroll, Karenn, Mor Elian, Rhyw, more
Laurent Garnier announces fabric Presents compilation celebrating club's 25th birthday
Niamh Byrne and Jill Hollywood named as Chair and Vice-Chair of the UK’s MMF
Theory Management’s Hide Whone will also join the MMF board Source...
KAYTRANADA and Childish Gambino star in 'Witchy' music video: Watch
A Guy Called Gerald honoured with blue plaque for 'Voodoo Ray', the UK's first acid house record
John Digweed shares health update, thanks hospital staff: No more IVs
Alpha Theta Launches New Wireless Professional DJ Headphones : HDJ-F10
DJs, it is time to go wireless! AlphaTheta Corporation today announced the release of the AlphaTheta HDJ-F10 professional wireless DJ headphones. The HDJ-F10 features ultra-low-latency SonicLink technology, engineered specifically for professional DJ…
RÜFÜS DU SOL Set to Headline at Sydney Harbour on October 10
*Featured Cover Photo Credit: Boaz KroonGrammy-winning live electronic music trio RÜFÜS DU SOL just came out of a stunning performance at this year’sPortola Music Festival in San Francisco over the past weekend. The day before they performed th…
Renato Vanzella promoted to General Manager of LATAM at Downtown-owned FUGA
Exec was formerly FUGA’s General Manager of Brazil Source...
Sony Music GSA restructures under new CEO Christoph Behm
Sony Music's GSA labels to sit within three new frontline label groups, including the Ariola Label Group, the Columbia Label Group, and the RCA Label Group Source...
Jamie Krents promoted to CEO and President of Verve Label Group; Dawn Olejar upped to Chief Operating Officer
Execs will continue to report to Dickon Stainer, who continues in the capacity of Chairman of Verve Label Group, following his elevation to Chairman and CEO of Universal Music UK Source...
Mary Catherine Kinney appointed EVP of Artist Label Strategy at Republic Corps
Kinney was most recently Head of Artist Partnerships at Spotify Source...
Ticketmaster Hacked, Users Report Stolen Tickets
Concertgoers have been reporting that their tickets have been mysteriously disappearing from their Ticketmaster accounts. This alarming issue has come to light following a data breach earlier this year.Victims of the ticket theft have reported losing…
Tareic Alphonse named as 7th and final Richard Antwi Scholar
Alphonse will be awarded a full scholarship for a place on the University of Westminster’s Music Business Management MA course in London Source...
Teklife affiliate DJ Lucky fundraiser launched following car accident
Premiere: Maze ‘Morning Magic’
Paris club, Essaim, to open from Concrete’s artistic director
Key Songs In The Life Of… Darcus Beese
The Island Records legend and founder of the newly independent Darco Recordings selects the tracks that have meant the most to him throughout his life and career so far... Source...
Avicii’s Belongings Auction Raises $750,000 For Charity
An auction of items belonging to the late DJ Avicii has raised a significant sum for charity — in fact, the amount accrues to close to three-quarters of a million dollars ($750,000). The sale, held in Stockholm on Tuesday, happened at Auktionsverk in…
Lauryn Hill sued by Fugees’ Pras Michél for fraud over cancelled tour